RS-422 Advanced PTZ Menu Control

In version 4.1 of the ExacqVision software, advanced RS-422 PTZ controls were implemented for Pelco-D and American Dynamics domes. One of the advanced controls allows the operator to open the dome’s internal menu to display menu choices in an onscreen display (OSD) embedded in the dome’s video stream. A cursor can be moved up and… Continue reading RS-422 Advanced PTZ Menu Control

What analog PTZ protocols does Exacq support?

Exacq supports the following RS-422 and RS-485 PTZ protocols. With each protocol, you can specify the baud rate, data bits, stop bits, parity, flow control, and maximum line length. ProtocolSupported PTZ PresetsAD-M320096AD-M3200 Multi96AD-MP4896AD-MP48 Multi96AD-RS42296Bosch (OSRD)99GE-ASCII64GE-Impac32HSD-Pelco-D128Panasonic64Pelco-D32Pelco-P32 <br> NOTE: Devices that require the use of other protocols, not listed above, may still be used with supported encoders.… Continue reading What analog PTZ protocols does Exacq support?

Connecting an ExacqVision Hybrid System to a Pelco Coaxitron Translator for Analog PTZ Control

ExacqVision Hybrid servers have the ability to integrate with Pelco Coaxitron CXTA 9760 devices. This allows customers with existing Pelco PTZ cameras that are controlled through the coax with the Coaxitron protocol to be controlled using ExacqVision software. The CXTA accepts the Pelco 422 protocol from the ExacqVision server, and it outputs the data over… Continue reading Connecting an ExacqVision Hybrid System to a Pelco Coaxitron Translator for Analog PTZ Control