Starting iSCSI on Startup with Linux Systems

After you reach the point where everything is logged in (you are able to type iscsiadm –m session and get output), following is the generic syntax: iscsiadm -m node -T <targetname> -p <ip:port> –op update -n node.conn[0].startup -v automatic <br> The parameters between < and > are substitutions. The syntax for persistent binding devices discovered on an internal connection… Continue reading Starting iSCSI on Startup with Linux Systems

Enumerating more than Four Serial Ports in Linux

If a system is built with the Radisys motherboard or has two or more eDVR boards, there are more then four serial ports. However, Ubuntu 8.04 enumerates only four serial ports by default. To change the number of serial ports enumerated, complete the following steps: <br> Edit menu.lst by typing sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lstFind the line that… Continue reading Enumerating more than Four Serial Ports in Linux