Highpoint RAID Troubleshooting (Legacy)

For troubleshooting information, see the attached PDF.The following exacqVision models were manufactured with Highpoint RAID controllers from 2007 to 2009: <br> To determine whether your system contains a Highpoint RAID controller, look at the RAID BIOS screen that appears when the system is first started (before the operating system starts). <br>

Temporary File Location

The ExacqVision Client creates temporary files to locally store searched  audio, video, and exported files. Temporary files are created in a directory specified by an environment variable. The following environment  variables are searched in order to determine the path: TEMPDIR, TMP, TEMP,  USERPROFILE. On systems built after May 2018, these environmental variables usually point to… Continue reading Temporary File Location

Validating ExacqVision Video (also known as Watermarking or Authentication)

The validation standard used in ExacqVision is known as HMAC, for Hashed Message Authentication Code, and uses a cryptographic hash and secret cryptographic key. HMAC is used by ExacqVision to verify the integrity of exported video. The ExacqVision Client software calculates and writes out the message authentication code (MAC) during file export. The ExacqVision ePlayer… Continue reading Validating ExacqVision Video (also known as Watermarking or Authentication)