Windows timezone information for Georgian Standard Time gets forced to incorrect bias

Description The custom Tbilisi-4.reg file that we add in our server can be overwritten on third party systems. Version introduced Server Server Platform Windows Server 2012 R2 Steps to reproduce Install Tbilisi-4.regObserve registry value change.Update server to a new version. Expected result Registry value stays the same (Tbilisi is now +4) Actual result… Continue reading Windows timezone information for Georgian Standard Time gets forced to incorrect bias

exacqVision Edge Time Zone Configuration

exacqVision Edge is a version of exacqVision Server that runs directly on supported camera models and only connects to, and records video from, the camera it is hosted on. Cameras running the exacqVision Edge, or Edge+, application must be configured for the GMT+0 time zone. Because the server application runs directly on the camera, the… Continue reading exacqVision Edge Time Zone Configuration

Time Settings and Time Zone Information

Background Information The Windows or Linux (Ubuntu) operating system time of your exacqVision Server host should be set to the local time and time zone where it is located. It is often desirable to synchronize the system to a central time server, rather than rely on the internal clock of the recording server. There are… Continue reading Time Settings and Time Zone Information