Knowledge Support Support exacqVision Server

Panasonic Default Motion Window May Not Save Correctly


When configuring motion windows on Panasonic cameras, and clicking the Apply Defaults button in Client in order to create a default motion window that matches whole imager size, the window does not save.


Manually draw a window within the video window boundaries.

Version Fixed

exacqVision Server versions 20.09.8 or higher

Knowledge Support Support exacqVision Client Categories Products

Axis cameras may stop detecting motion on firmware update

Axis is making the transition on the camera motion detection engine from VMD1 to VMD4. VMD1 is the motion detection engine that Axis plugin has been supporting. Starting with camera Firmware 6.50, motion detection application VMD4 is pre-installed on the camera. Compatible Cameras with earlier firmware versions could also load VMD4 application and get the same functionalities. For now, both VMD1 and VMD4 are supported from the firmware, except configuration GUI for VMD1 has been deprecated from the camera web page with firmware 6.50 and only CGI is supported. Axis also plans to eliminate VMD1 support in a future firmware release and will moved to using only VMD4.

Here is what we expect with Axis support starting with server version 9.0

*From a server upgrade with existing Axis cameras already using VMD1

— Axis plugin will continue to support VMD1 configuration and handle VMD1 events as motion.

*new Axis cameras connecting to the server.

— For cameras with VMD4 support (without VMD1 or VMD4 configured), the plugin will default to using VMD4 for motion detection. VMD4 configuration will be supported from exacqvision client (after server 9.0).

— Cameras with older firmware without VMD4 loaded will be supported with VMD1.

— Cameras with VMD4 but have existing VMD1 motion region configured on the camera will be defaulted to using VMD1.

Any cameras with both VMD1 and VMD4 support can be defaulted to using either one by clearing all VMD1 motion regions to use VMD4. Or removing the VMD4 application will also default it back to using VMD1.

Another way to restore back to using VMD1 without removing VMD4 app is first disable VMD4 from the camera web page. Create a dummy default VMD1 motion window from the “Plain Config” and “Motion” group section in the advance setting of the camera web page. Add camera to ExacqVision.

VMD4 motion configuration will not be supported in exacqvision client only when connected in HTTPS mode. The work around is to configure motion on the camera if the user wants to connect with HTTPS. The plugin would handle VMD4 motion events as normal.

Knowledge Support Support Categories Products exacqVision Hardware

Illustra Pro Gen2 Domes 2/3/5 MP experiencing motion event issues


Affects 2/3/5MP Pro Gen2 Dome with motion set to ON and could not be turned off. This only affected Pro Gen2 DOME models.

Models affected include:

Tested Version

ExacqVision Server



All platforms


Steps to reproduce

  • Connect to a 2/3/5 megapixel Pro Gen2 Dome with firmware 1.2.0.
  • Generate motion activity in the camera’s field of view.


Expected result

  • Motion event is generated as expected.


Actual result

  • Motion event is inconsistent.


Work Around

The camera firmware group has recommended the following:

1. Video stream 1 or 2 has be H.264.
2. The illustra3 plugin does not allow changing of context stream 2 but have seen cases where the iAPI3 shows h264 and still not setting motion. One way to verify is go to the ‘Event and Actions’->’Analytics’->’Motion Detection’ of the camera web page. If stream 2 is not set correctly, it would show a popup dialog with message ‘Operation Failed: No H264 stream found or stream too large’. In this case, just make sure to set stream 2 to H.264 and resolution of 1920×1440 or lower from the camera web page and reconnect the camera from EV client.
3. Medium or Low motion sensitivity is recommended.
4. Stream 2 should be H.264 and set to a resolution of 1920×1440 or lower. 


Knowledge Support Support Categories exacqVision Integrations

Axis Motion Recording on PTZ Movement

To enable motion based recording on an Axis device during PTZ movement, complete the following steps: <br>

On the Axis camera’s web page, configure a recipient for the event. The Type should be TCP; the IP address should be the address of the exacqVision server; the port can be any open port. <br>

Configure the rule on the Axis camera’s web page. Trigger should be PTZ and Moving; Schedule should be Always; Type should be Send Notification; Recipient should be the recipient from the previous step; the message should be the keyword that exacqVision is listening for to trigger the event. Note the message for later. This example uses the last two digits of the IP address and the input number on the encoder. Select the option to send notifications continuously while the trigger is active. <br>

In exacqVision Client, select Serial Profiles. Enter a name and click Apply. Click New under Event Keywords and enter the message created in the previous step. Click Apply again. <br>

In exacqVision Client, select Serial Ports. Click New. Use should be Access Ctrl; the name can be any identifier; Type should be TCP Listener; Address should be the IP address of the Axis device; Port should be the port assigned in step 2; timeout should be 0 (zero). <br>

In exacqVision Client, select Event Linking. Click New. Event Type should be Serial Port; Event Source should be the serial profile that includes the key word message; Action Type should be Record Video; Action Target should be the device that we want to record motion on PTZ movement; Post-Trigger should be at least five seconds to ensure that the correct amount of data is recorded after the command has been issued. <br>

Knowledge Support Support exacqVision Client Categories Products

Post-motion Recording on ExacqVision Systems

To configure post-motion recording on an exacqVision system, complete the following steps:


  1. In the ExacqVision Client, open the camera’s Settings page, as seen in the example below.
  2. On the Motion tab, use the slide control to set the desired number of seconds of post-motion recording.
