Vivotek VS8801 Encoder Enabling 2nd NIC for exacqVision


Vivotek VS8801 Encoder Enabling 2nd NIC for exacqVision


This encoder requires the use of two IP addresses to view all 8 channels of video.  The first NIC allows access to channels 1-4 and the second NIC allows access to channels 5-8.  The following are instructions for enabling the 2nd NIC on the Vivotek VS8801 encoder.


Vivotek VS8801 Encoder
exacqVision Server


  • Enable the 2nd NIC by accessing the the following URL 
  • http://<ipaddress>/cgi-bin/admin/setparam.cgi?network_openip2=1
  • Where <ipaddress> is the actual IP address of the encoder.
  • The web page should echo the command setting to confirm that it has been successfully set
  • Open the encoders web page
  • Navigate to network configuration and ensure that the second NIC is now available
  • Configure the 2nd NIC
  • The encoder can now be added in exacqVision using the first IP address for channels 1-4 and the 2nd IP address for channels 5-8.