Mechanical PTZ tab will not show up for Samsung cameras

When updating ExacqVision Server straight to 21.03 from a version prior to 9.8 the mechanical PTZ tab disappears.

On the previous version below 9.8, update to ExacqVision Server 19.12 and verify the mechanical PTZ tab is there.

Then update to ExacqVision Server 21.03 and verify the mechanical PTZ tab is there. If it is not, downgrade back to 19.12 and repeat the process.

A related behavior is also being reported of fresh installs of Samsung cameras ranging from 21.03 up to server. If this is seen the work around best used at this time to provide working PTZ are the following.

First , check the cameras xml to see if it has the PTZ settings set to “1” (seen below). If it does not, edit the file on the current version. Make sure to follow steps 2-8 seen below here to apply the change properly. If this fails then proceed with following steps 1-10.

1. Downgrade to 19.12 (when doing so make sure to have a good config or know the credentials for the cameras.) Later on when updating back to a current version you will need to re add the password to the camera.
2. Disable camera from client.
3. Stop the server service.
4. Edit the camera xml.
5. Edit the line starting with PTZ Pan, Tilt, Zoom, Focus, Iris Enabled and Supported.
Edit the “0” and make all of them “1”

<PTZ Pan="1" Tilt="1" Zoom="1" Focus="1" Iris="1" Enabled="1" Supported="1">

6.Save the file.
7. Start the server service.
8.Enable the Camera in the client.
9.Check to see if the Mechanical tab is viewable in the camera settings page of the client.
10. Update to any version.

This is being backpatched to 24.06_RC